Ensuring Optimal Temperatures

Livestock and agricultural structures often grapple with unpredictable temperatures that can directly impact animals and yields. Fluctuations in weather conditions contribute to abnormal temperatures, presenting challenges for the well-being of animals. Temperature effects extend beyond extremes of heat and cold, with a significant factor being infrared (IR) radiation from the sun. The sun's IR radiation elevates body temperatures by 2.5 - 3 degrees, known as the Black-Globe Effect. This phenomenon becomes pronounced when external temperatures surpass 25 degrees Celsius, causing animals to absorb excessive solar energy even when sheltered.

This rise in heat induces stress in animals, leading to heat stress. Consequences include heightened mortality rates, increased energy and electricity expenses for cooling, elevated internal temperatures affecting productivity, and weight loss in animals. Polynum addresses these challenges with multifunctional insulation, blending thermal and reflective features to offer maximum protection against harmful heat and infrared rays, ensuring the well-being of livestock and optimizing agricultural productivity.

Through extensive collaborative studies with our customers, conducted in partnership with Polynum, compelling findings have emerged:

  • Immediate Improvement: Following the installation of Polynum's reflective thermal insulation, a discernible and immediate enhancement was observed across all parameters.
  • Boost in Dairy and Egg Production: Industries such as dairy and egg production reported notable outcomes, with up to a 10% increase in milk and egg production and an impressive 24% enhancement in overall productivity.
  • Accelerated Animal Growth: Breeders witnessed accelerated animal growth post the installation of Polynum's insulation, coupled with a substantial reduction in cases of heat loss.
  • Enhanced Winter Comfort and Savings: During winter, the reflective insulation efficiently reflects internal heat back into the building space, creating heightened comfort and resulting in significant savings in energy and electricity expenses.

Polynum Livestock introduces an acid-resistant line featuring an innovative and washable design, tailored to meet the demands of livestock environments and highly corrosive structures.

Our unique Acid-Proof layer guarantees sustained insulation performance over extended periods, even in the toughest conditions.

Key Advantages of Polynum Insulation:

  • Excellent Thermal Resistance - Contributes to reducing mortality rates and increasing productivity.
  • 97% IR Radiation Reflection - Effectively reflects 97% of infrared radiation.
  • Corrosion Resistance - Highly resistant to common corrosion, even under acidic conditions.
  • Easy and Safe Installation - Rapid & Clean installation.
  • Weather and Waterproof Resistance - Resistant to weather damage and waterproof.
  • Energy and Electricity Savings - Results in significant savings in energy and electricity expenses.
  • Improved Livestock Productivity - Creates a more comfortable living environment, leading to improved livestock productivity.
  • Mechanical Strength - Possesses mechanical strength and resistance to high-pressure washes used.

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