A logistics center encompasses a multifaceted complex, integrating various functions such as stock storage, office spaces, transportation zones, industrial equipment, and more, tailored to the company's operational scope. Within the warehouse, specific zones necessitate controlled temperatures and humidity levels.

Establishing a logistics center is a comprehensive process that involves meticulous planning and construction. The initial planning phase involves a detailed analysis of the logistics system, understanding the company's requirements, and a thorough examination of associated costs.

Industrialized construction has simplified the construction of industrial buildings significantly. Through pre-planning, rapid production, and efficient establishment, the process becomes more straightforward, cost-effective, and quicker.

Emphasizing the growing importance of green construction starts at the planning stage. In the contemporary industrial landscape, environmental and green considerations weigh heavily in consumer choices. Moreover, apart from the ecological benefits, green construction also yields financial savings. For instance, modern logistics centers are designed with a focus on utilizing renewable energy sources.





Advantages of Polynum™  Insulation in Logistics Centers
Logistics centers, predominantly constructed from industrial materials like metal or steel, inherently absorb external heat or cold. The application of Polynum™  thermal insulation, designed to reflect 97% of IR rays in summer and retain internal heat in winter, offers numerous key advantages across various dimensions.

  • Cost-Effective Insulation
    For warehouses spanning large areas, high energy costs are a common challenge. Choosing Polynum™ thermal insulation sheets presents a cost-effective solution. With a reasonably priced sheet, swift installation, and long-term durability, Polynum™  contributes to substantial savings in both installation and ongoing electricity and energy expenses.
  • Condensation Prevention
    Polynum™  sheets effectively prevent common issues like condensation, prevalent in structures of this nature.
  • Environmental Protection
    All Polynum™  products align with green construction standards, bearing a green mark from the Standards Institute. They refrain from creating environmental pollution during production and installation, conserve energy, reduce electricity consumption, and remain non-polluting after use.
  • Safety
    Polynum™ insulation sheets boast high fire resistance according to EN regulation, fostering a safer work environment for employees.